
"who do you love when love is gone?"

I'm so glad that one of my favourite artists has new album out...love Kate Havnevik...
so my type of music...
and once again I like the lyrics:
Who do you love, when love is gone?
Who do you hunger in this great unknown?
Memories of me will fade soon& you'll find someone new
See everyone halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone
Six billion people one of them's right for you
Who do you mean when you change your tone?
Who do you dream of when you're half asleep with one eye open?
You'll become your life soon&
I won't be in your way
See everyone halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone
Six billion people - one of them's right for you
Who do you see when you stare into space?
Who do you seek out in cyberspace?
See everyone halo bright in beauty
See everyone arrayed for you to try
You're not alone in being alone
Six billion humans - one of them's right for you

I don't know what it is about these lyrics...they seem to hit me right now...they seem so sad and yet kind of hopeful in the end...yeah I'm just blabing about some lyrics that probably have like no effect on you guys and seem lame :D hahah but I like them...

Went to a city called Guildford today...took some nice pictures, BUT I CAN'T POST THEM! couse I have a weird computer...

wish I had some pics to post...




"I close my eyes on the dancefloor..."

I'm so annoyed right now...all I can do is post freaking videos...greaaaaaat! not the point of this blog...gaaaaaaaaaaah!
I'm NOT having a good day today...
But this song did cheer me up little bit...

Oh and another thing that cheered me up (well this happened last week)
was when I was at home with the youngest one of the kids (2 years old) and he came to me and said "mmm...big poop came"
me: "Ok, well I guess we need to change it then..."
him: "yeah..." he's quiet for a while and then has a concerned look on his face.
Me: "what is it?"
he: "Are you sure you're not gonna get any poop on your fingers?"
and I couldn't help but just laugh. He was soooooo cute and so worried about it :D


"don't wanna be yours no more..."

Yes people I'm still alive...juts not able to get my pics up which buggs me SOOOO MUCH!
That is the whole point of this blog and my passion so I'm going nuts here :/
But one positive thing DID happen, I got a comp...not a good one but a comp none the less...
Just need to see if it can run my precious photothingies...
These kind of things, these little things that you don't realize that you need so much till you lose them, those little things make me miss home :)
And missing my friends (which is not a little thing to miss) doesn't help either. Oh well it just makes you appreciate home more and what you have in your life.
Ok, ok, things arent's as bad as they sound, I AM LOVING IT HERE! and it's a lovely experience in every way. And what's even greater, it's getting SO MUCH warmer here. The flowers are blooming the birds are singing and I didn't need a jacket outside today, L.O.V.E.L.Y :)
And London still has my heart and will probaböy always have it...
That's it for today...
all I can really say is that I'm working on it and hopefully I will have my pics up soon :)
Thanks for your patience ;)

Some brainless fun my friend send me...yeah I know, no point...yet you laugh at it :P

and music ofcourse :)


" grounds for divorce...."

Some poop news...
I'm living in England right now and apparrently won't be having an computer for ages...so yeah...I don't know what I'm gonna do and how I'm gonna put up my pics?
I'm sooo maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad right now!
my blog CAN'T DIE!


ah well...atleast there's always good music...which I rarely hear now a days...poop...