It's been a while yet again. I've been going through some new wedding photos and trying to sort them as well as some engagement photos, while at the sametime trying to sort though my own life aaaand projects I have in my head...

SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE! and I can't seem to keep myself from smiling :D Sun has that effect on me :) I can't wait to be bale to put on some dresses and skirts (well I've already been wearing those) and go out with my legs showing hahah...
Oh and guess what...
I bought myself pink trousers...YES, PINK! I HATE PINK! :D hahaha I was supposed to buy myself red ones, but instead surprised myself and ended up going for the pink (well it's actually corallishpinkish) I guess the girly girly super girl girl inside of me won after all these years. I would have NEVER EVER thought that this day would come, that I'd buy something pink...well that just goes to show that life is always unpredictable and surprises you when you least expect it to :)

I miss them so much and hate the fact that I dont see them that often anymore (they moved to another city)
your kids are adorable! I LOVE THEM TO BITS!
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