Tests are half way through (with the first school), last day tomorrow! woop woop!
Let me tell yah, it hasn't been a picnic in the park!
My night before monday morning was horrible, kept waking up like every hour thinking I was already late. Then on monday morning as I finally woke up 30mins before I actually needed to, I went to make myself breakfast only to eat a bit of a rottened egg, the most disgusting taste ever! I felt like throwing up! weeeel, after that I got ready and we were finally off. On our way...we get LOST! we left 30min earlier than we should have and yet I got there 5mins before the test started, what a luck! Top of all the nerves and such I felt sick and throwing up because of my new medicine I eat for my skin. weeeell, I get my first assignment...the topic is ok...a bit lame, one that they seem to use everywhere. Human and nature together. Ok so I get this disposable camera and I have 3 hours. I have to stay within the grounds of the school...ok ok...I go outside aaand it's freeeeeezing! and the ground is wet and muddy. After 3 freezing hours and ruined shoes later, I went to eat. Break lasted an hour and then we got another assignment. Yes again one that I needed to shoot outside for. After 2 hours I felt my nerves going crazy cause I realized I had and interview...I hate those...buuuut I think I kind of rocked it! atleast they seemed to like me :) well on my way home, I missed my bus, had to wait for another one for an HOUR IN THE FEEEZING COLD! and to top it all at the next bus stop I ran to my bus and the driver saw me, but rove off anyways...how freaking nice is that? By that time I was hugry, cold, feeling scik, tired and maaaaaad! Yup wasn't a good day for me, but luckily there was some lovely chocolate cake waiting for me at home :)
Today we just painted and painted and drew for hours. 2 assignments for today as well...aaand we had a group assignment, where we had to be in an "photoshoot" and they checked how we reacted with other people.
Sooo...that's my update for now. Oh and there's a "new" photo...not sure if I like it or not...It needs something...somehting more...once I figure it out I'll shoot it again!
But there it is anyways!
Ok now I need to go to bed, last test day tomorrow!
Nighty night!
"...It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm
we can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable..."
we can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable..."
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