Again long time no see!!
I've been busy ONCE again...and once more with weddings. My older sister got married about a week a go and let me tell you it was a G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S wedding (if I may say so myself :P hahah) and the happy couple was stunning! easy to get beautiful photos of.
Ah you could just taste the love in that wedding! the mood was just right!
I'm so happy that it went well. We've been stressing about it for months now (mysis ter bit more maybe than I, being the bride and all, but the stress and pressure were on me as well all the time) I'm so happy and at the sametime a bit sad that it's all over. I just love weddings. There's nothing better than to celebrate someones love...why do I feel like I've said this before? oh well...it's still as true as it was the first time I said it :P

But I hope you enjoy these little memories before I can show you guys more.
Anyways, time for me to go to bed!
remember to always love people, always looooove! (yes I know, I sounds like a freaking hippie...)